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Nashville Dog Bite Attorney

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If you’ve suffered injuries from a dog bite or attack in Nashville, you need experienced legal representation from a Nashville injury lawyer. Tennessee’s dog bite liability laws are uniquely complex. Where some states hold pet owners strictly liable for their dog’s damages, and others allow a one-bite rule that exempts dog owners whose dog had no prior history of biting, Tennessee combines both rules, making legal claims particularly challenging.

At Selvidge Injury Law, we understand the terror and trauma of dog bites. Call our Nashville dog bite attorneys today so we can begin the right strategy to recover the compensation and accountability you deserve.

Why Choose Us for Your Nashville Dog Bite Law Firm?

Attorney Adam Selvidge has represented injured clients in Nashville for over a decade and has a track record of success that puts a powerful voice behind every client’s case. Our firm has a deep understanding of Tennessee’s unique dog bite laws and when certain exceptions for strict liability may apply. We offer the following qualities to advance your dog injury case for prompt resolution:

  • Free case consultations and no fees until we secure compensation for your dog bite injury
  • A Nashville firm with all of the large-city resources yet the feel of a small-town firm that treats clients like family
  • Open and honest client communication throughout the claim process. We are available to handle your questions and concerns so you are never in the dark about where your case stands
  • Experienced investigative skills to make a compelling case for your complete compensation through a carefully negotiated settlement or lawsuit in court when required

Is the Dog Owner Liable for My Dog Bite Injuries in Tennessee?

Some states allow dogs a single bite before the law considers a pet owner negligent for failing to prevent injuries from a dog that’s known to bite. Other states hold pet owners liable from the moment they take ownership or control of a dog. In Tennessee, the dog owner is strictly liable for your dog bite injury damages if the following is true:

  • The owner failed to contain the dog, and the attack occurred in a public place or on your property, regardless of the dog’s history
  • The dog attacked without provocation
  • You were not attacked by a police dog or while committing a crime

In the above cases, the dog’s owner was negligent and must provide compensation for the consequences of the attack.

On the other hand, the one-bite rule comes into play under the following circumstances:

  • If the dog bit you on the owner’s private property, the owner is only liable for your damages if the dog previously bit someone at least one time

When a dog has a known history of biting or aggression, the dog owner is liable if they allow the dog to bite anyone lawfully on their property, for instance, a visitor, delivery person, or anyone approaching the front of the home for legitimate purposes.

What Compensation Can I Gain in a Nashville Dog Bite Case?

Dog bites range from mild to severe, with injuries that could include puncture wounds, torn skin and muscle, broken bones, loss of digits or limbs, scarring, and disfiguring facial injuries. They are also prone to infection. Damages in dog bite claims could include some or all of the following:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Reimbursement for lost wages and future income loss
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring/disfigurement
  • Emotional trauma/PTSD

How to Prove Negligence in a Dog Bite Case in Nashville

When you are hurt in a dog bite or attack, your first reaction is to get medical care and file a police report. While that is an important step to take, there are also additional steps that may be warranted in many cases to help prove your losses. What you do immediately after an attack matters, but even if you did not do these things, you can still get help from a dog bite attorney.

Gathering Evidence at the Time of the Injury

If you are safe to do so, take some photos documenting the incident after it occurs. This may include photos of the dog, the owners, the surrounding area, and of your injuries. This information may be valuable later if there is any dispute about the animal involved or what anyone did after the event.

Call the Police to the Scene

If the injuries are serious, including bleeding and significant damage or trauma to the skin or body, call the police. They will send an ambulance for your medical care while also arriving on the scene to begin the process of collecting evidence. This information is then usable in a court of law if you need to, to prove what your losses are.

If the situation does not seem to warrant calling the police, such as it was an accident and the injuries are minor, you can still file a police report at the police station in the area where the incident occurred. Often times filing a report with your local animal control is a good idea as well. This helps to preserve your right to compensation for any injuries that occur.

Utilize Medical Records to Help You

Once you have suffered a dog bite, getting medical care is extremely important to protecting your health and future. Your priority should be to get all of the medical care and support you need, following all of the doctor’s recommendations for immediate care, medications, follow-up care, and therapy.

The medical records themselves can be very important in proving your case. Your dog bite attorney may use them for several reasons:

  • Proving the type of injuries you sustained from the dog bite
  • Making it clear that the injuries you have are directly related to the dog bite (and not due to any pre-existing conditions)
  • Document the severity of the bite, including any damage to nerves, tendons, and muscles
  • Outline the recovery process and expectations, including whether that is a risk that you may lose the overall function of the area
  • Document any type of complication that comes from the dog bite, such as infections or reconstructive surgery after the incident.

Gather Witness Information

With the help of your attorney, seek out any available evidence from witnesses. This may include pursuing support from your neighbors who may have cameras that caught the incident on tape or using videos posted by others. If the event took place in public, your attorney could help you tap into the social media networks and neighborhood watches in your area to get more information.

Fully Document Your Losses

Your dog bite attorney will also help you fully document the losses you have, outlining every type of injury you have sustained. Remember that a dog bite case can carry numerous types of losses that may be much more than your medical bills. Some examples of the types of losses you may experience include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Long-term recovery and therapy
  • Loss of use of the limb or area of the body
  • Onset of complications in doing your job, including a reduction in earning capacity
  • Loss of quality of life, especially if you can no longer do the things you love to do

Gather Any Other Information Available

Gather any other additional information you have from yourself, others, or the evidence at the scene to document what occurred. Your attorney will help you to determine if the dog has been involved in attacks like this before and determine if the dog’s owners are doing everything they can to keep everyone else safe.

What Happens If a Child Suffers a Dog Bite?

While a dog can attack and bite anyone, children are specifically vulnerable for many reasons. Their smaller size makes them seem like more of a threat to the dog. Children also naturally trust dogs, even if they do not know the pet. They may reach out to pet a dog that is chewing on a bone, for example, and suffer a bite as a result.

When these types of incidents occur, you may find yourself unsure what to do, especially if your child is struggling with injuries as a result of the incident. Keep the following in mind:

  • Always get your child professional medical care after a dog bite case. There is nothing more important than this.
  • Document all the ways the child is impacted, including their ability to learn, complete tasks without assistance, or do the things they like to do.
  • Try and notice any behavioral changes in your child, such as a sudden fear of other animals or dogs, especially household pets they have been around for years.
  • Outline any long-term repercussions from the accident, including permanent scarring or damage to ligaments, tendons, or muscles. Outline all potential long-term implications.

With this information, you can work alongside a dog bite attorney in Nashville to develop a strong case to hold the dog and the dog’s owner responsible for their actions. Because the implications of these injuries can carry a lifetime of losses, there is simply no way you can assume that an insurance company will treat you fairly when recovering losses from this accident. They will do anything they can to reduce what you are owed.

Should You Just Settle with the Insurance Company After a Dog Bite?

If you know what all of your losses are and you have successfully convinced the insurance company to agree to those losses, filing a claim yourself is an option. However, that is rarely what will occur. Instead of settling your case, reach out to an attorney for a no-cost consultation to find out what your legal rights and options are and if the insurance company’s offer is fair.

Call Selvidge Injury Law Today

You shouldn’t have to deal with Tennessee’s complicated dog bite laws while struggling with the physical and emotional pain of dog bite injuries. Reach out to Selvidge Injury Law today so we can begin the right strategy to maximize your financial recovery while you focus on your physical recovery. You deserve accountability and fair compensation after a dog attack. Call our Nashville dog bite attorneys today to schedule your free consultation.