How Long Will My Car Accident Case Take?
Request Free ConsultationWhen a person suffers an accident, their losses begin to accrue almost immediately, and as that happens, it can become stressful. You may be concerned about having the financial resources you need to meet your medical bills but also your day-to-day expenses if you cannot work. But how long will a car accident case take? There is no straightforward answer to this, but it can take 3 months to several years, depending on the circumstances, and our best car accident lawyer at Selvidge Injury Law can be of assistance.
Factors That Contribute to How Long Your Car Accident Case Will Take
The time it takes to process a car accident case is dependent on numerous situations. Every incident is a bit different, but some of the factors that may contribute include:
Your Injuries
If you have serious injuries and losses, you may be unable to take legal action right away. However, you also cannot know the value of your losses until you reach your maximum level of healing. For example, if you suffer a spinal cord injury in an accident, you may recover within a few months. Other people never recover. This can change the amount of damages you can expect to receive. Until you have some idea of all of your losses, it is difficult to pursue a car or truck accident claim.
In situations of wrongful death, you can expect the case to take much longer, often a year or more. This will require legal action by the heirs or the estate representative and will be looked at more carefully by the insurance company.
Who Is to Blame
Proving negligence is a critical factor in building your case, and it also can play a role in the length of time it takes to settle. For example, if it is obvious who is to blame, and the police clarify that information in a police report, then it is less likely there will be any confusion. However, if the other party does not believe they are negligent, or there are numerous parties involved and fault is not fully understood, that can delay the legal process as well.
Negotiation Complications
Insurance companies for at-fault drivers will take their time to investigate the claim. They are looking for any holes in your claim that could be used to reduce the compensation they pay to you. Expect negotiations to take up a good amount of the first few months in complex and high-value cases.
Insurance companies should not delay the process, but they may push the investigation out if they do not believe there is accurate information or enough evidence. Keep in mind that with the help of an attorney, you can mitigate this risk by ensuring there is comprehensive evidence to back up any claim you make.
The Court System
If your case does not settle out of court and needs to be heard by a judge, the process can take longer, often 6 months or longer. This means that there are required periods for investigation and numerous steps in the process of waiting for your turn in court. Additionally, there are certain deadlines and timeframes built into the judicial process. These are often part of the Rules of Civil Procedure, and these built-in timeframes make litigating in court a slower process.
Seek the Guidance of an Attorney
To mitigate the delays, work with an accident attorney who can reduce the risks and give you the confidence you need. Contact our personal injury law firm for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn more about how long it is likely to take to reach a settlement.